Executive Committee

Chair James Isaak
Vice Chair Katherine Reagan
Secretary David Casper
Treasurer John Arico
Member-At-Large Virbahu Jain
Past Chair Katherine Reagan

Chapter Officers

Communications and Signal Processing Chair: Ali Hammoodi
Vice Chair: Mimi Tam
Computer Society Chair: Virbahu Jain
Vice Chair: Katherine Reagan
Secretary: Barbara Bancroft
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Joint Chapter – New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont
Chair: John Zhang
Vice Chair: J Michael OConnor
Microwave Theory and Techniques / Antenna and Propagation Chair: Ian Armstrong
Vice Chair: Ali Hammoodi
Secretary: Thomas O. Perkins
Power and Energy Society Chair: Tom Mongeon
Vice Chair: Ronald Tabroff
Reliability Society
Joint Chapter – Boston, New Hampshire and Providence
Chair: Michael W. Bannan
Robotics and Automation Society Chair: Mimi Tam
Vice Chair: Virbahu Jain

Affiliate Groups

Consultants Network Chair: Madeleine Lowe
Vice Chair Raymond Barrett
Life Members Chair: J Michael OConnor
Women In Engineering / Young Professionals Chair: Mimi Tam
Vice Chair: Hayley Feyh
Secretary: Katherine Reagan

Other Positions

Educational Activities Ayse Kakan-Savoy
Humanitarian Activities Sridhar Raghavan
Membership Development Katherine Reagan
Newsletter Editor Sridhar Raghavan
Professional Activities Edward Nelson
Student Activities May Wan
Student Advisor NHTI Bill French
Student Advisor UNH Manchester Rich Messner
Student President NHTI Josh Welton
Webmaster Alan Schechter
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