IEEE Region 1 Board of Governors Meeting

Attached is the 2018 New Hampshire Section Report which provides an update on our section organization, activities and challenges.


November 2017 Executive Committee Report

We met at the Airport Diner in Manchester NH for the November ExComm meeting. Next month we will be back at the Great Buffet in Manchester NH.

We reviewed meeting minutes from September and October, and reviewed the October Treasuer’s Report.

We looked at a proposed budget for next year. Scott Blackstone, our section treasurer, presented his initial budget. Scott estimated that the section gets $9000 per year from IEEE, and he came up with a budget that spends only $9000. As part of doing that, he removed the Pre-U STEM Grants that the section awards each year. In the discussion that followed, we realized that we, as a section, need to learn how to get other funding sources. We discussed the fact that there are other grants that we could apply for, and we have not done so. We could also ask for co-sponsors for some of our expenses (such as those Pre-U STEM grants). In the end, we decided that Scott would put the Pre-U STEM grants back in ($2000) and offset that with a line item for additional income ($2000).

Jim Henderson presented the election results for 2018. Kat Reagan will be the Section Chair, with Hayley Feyh voted in as the Section Vice Chair. Scott Blackstone will continue on as Section Treasurer, and Mary Brzeznski will continue as Section Secretary.

An exciting bit of news: The NH Section and the New Hampshire High Tech Council are discussing how we can support each other’s efforts in promoting STEM awareness in NH. We hope that we will be able to get NH IEEE members the ability to attend NHHTC events at member rates in exchange for NHHTC members attending NH IEEE events at IEEE member rates.

There will be a Computer society meeting on December 7th about Scaling Agile Product Deliver. See this link for more info and to register:

Ed Nelson recognized individuals that have helped the Section throughout the year. If you are a Chair that did not attend, please email me and I will prepare a Certificate of Appreciation for you.

After the meeting, we discussed bringing back the TechIEEE radio show. Ed indicated that he enjoyed recording the shows, but if we were to do it again we would need more participation from the Section members. Additionally, we are considering changing the distribution channel to YouTube. The NH Section does have a YouTube Channel, we just do not (to my knowledge) create content for that channel.

Lastly, Ed is working out a date to give a presentation at the UNH Durham campus for the Student chapter. He wants to get in touch with all the student chapters, to form a closer relationship than the Section has had with the student branches in the past.


October 2017 Executive Committee Report

At the October ExComm, we had no September meeting minutes to approve. We reviewed and approved the September Treasurer’s report.

We talked about the need for a proposed budget for 2018. We will have a proposed budget for 2018 to discuss in November.

Jim Henderson talked about the 2018 Elections. It took some doing for use to get the lists of names into vTools to open the elections. Thank you to all of you who voted.

Ron Tabroff was there and discussed a Town Hall Meeting so that the IEEE can learn more about what people want from being members. Ed thinks it is a great idea. He would like to hold the Town Hall meeting in December. In fact, he want’s to hold two: One for professionals and one for student members.

Alan Schechter talked about the IEEE NH website. If you run a meeting, please do a quick write up and take a few pictures and send the phots and write up to Alan Schechter (our webmaster: ) and Sri Rhagavan (our newsletter editor:

Mike O’Connnor talked about forging an alliance with the New Hampshire High Tech Council. See the November Executive Summary for more information about that.


September 2017 Executive Committee Report

This month we were joined by Anna Snarksi and Tim BeauLieu from the UNH Durham Student Chapter.

The ExComm reviewed and approved the August meeting minutes, the August Treasurer’s Report, and considered the current slate of officers for next year.

Currently, there are no nominations for MTTS (Microwave Theory and Techniques), PES (Power and Energy Society) and RAS (Robotics and Automation Society).  Please consider volunteering for one of the officer positions for these societies!  The most important duty for the officer positions is to arrange two meetings per year.  All the officers help each other, so this is often easier than it sounds.  If you would like to run as an officer, please contact Jim Henderson at

Kat Reagan was our primary delegate at the Sections Congress in Australia this year.  She gave a presentation on her experience to the ExComm.  She stayed a few extra days, and so we also got to see some photos from other parts of Australia.

A big thanks to Anna and Tim for helping run the NH Section booth at the Dover Mini Maker Faire!  Thanks also to Soon Wan for bringing Lego Robots and team members of Lego Robotics teams!  If you haven’t gone to the Dover Mini Maker Faire, consider going next year.  It is a lot of fun, and has some very interesting tech activities going on.


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