Stand Out From the Crowd – Become a Senior Member

Senior Membership is the highest level of professional recognition that an IEEE member can directly apply for. Senior Membership can bring increased respect within the ranks of IEEE members, as well as more substance to your career profile. Members should apply if they want to be recognized by their peers for technical and professional excellence, and hold executive IEEE volunteer positions. In addition, newly elevated Senior Members are awarded an attractive fine wood and bronze engrave plaque to proudly display for colleagues, clients and employers to see, and up to $25 coupon toward one new Society membership.

Only about 9% of total membership have achieved this prestigious grade.

The steps listed below are a short process to help elevate your membership status:

  • Do you meet the requirements? IEEE Bylaws I-104.3 sets forth the criteria for elevation to Senior Member grade, as follows:
    • A candidate shall be an engineer, scientist, educator, technical executive or originator in IEEE-designated fields,
    • Candidates shall have been in professional practice for at least ten years (Note: a Ph.D. is equivalent to 5 years, an M.S. is equivalent to four years, and a BS is equivalent to three years),
    • Shall have shown significant performance over a period of at least five of those years.

Please review the full requirements from the IEEE website. Do not apply for Senior Membership directly and let the Section Nominate you, as it will reduce the number of references you will need to obtain.

  • Once you have established that you meet the requirements, please email a detailed resume or curriculum vitae to the Section Chair via
  • Our section will start the nomination process and assist you in obtaining the required references from members holding the grade of Fellow, Senior Member, or Honorary Member.
  • The Membership Development Committee will review your resume or curriculum vitae and send you a response outlining the next steps.

What Happens After I Am Nominated?

You will be instructed to complete your online application covering your Profession Experience, Significant Performance, Education and Occupation.

Note that the Admission & Advancement (A&A) Review Panels meet eight to ten times annually.

For applications or nominations to be considered, they must be received complete (including all required references and a resume) at least ten days prior to the meeting date. This could mean that your application can take a few months to be reviewed.


Senior Membership Program

Requirements for Senior Member Grade

Status of Senior Membership Application


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