
The objective of this strategic plan is to establish a vision, guiding principles and core strategic elements for the New Hampshire Section for the next 3 – 5 years. Key strategic goals will guide chapter chairs and committee chairs in planning yearly activities on behalf of the section. Additionally, chapter and committee chairs will be able to highlight common themes, develop coordinated activities, prioritize efforts that align with our strategic objectives, and establish metrics relative to the strategic goals.


Where do we want to be?

To be an essential and recognized technical society for diverse, engaged professionals focusing on innovation, education and professional growth in New Hampshire.

The vision defines where we want to be. IEEE New Hampshire section wants to be an essential (an entity that brings value to the community) and recognized technical society (individuals outside of our organization and in the community at large know about IEEE New Hampshire) for diverse, (e.g., geographic, age, ethnicity, and gender) engaged professionals (our members are actively involved in section activities and within their communities) focusing on innovation, education and professional growth in New Hampshire.


To improve STEM engagement which fosters professional growth and innovation in New Hampshire.

The mission defines how we will drive towards our vision. The IEEE New Hampshire section will engage in STEM activities (in K-12, college, industry and academia) which foster professional growth (i.e., helps the workforce extend their skills set) and innovation in New Hampshire.


We believe that:

  1. Educational activities and engagement lay the groundwork and often provides the spark for innovation
  2. Collaborative activities among diverse IEEE professions provides a catalyst for innovation
  3. Exposure to emerging technology and concepts is a key to innovation and career development
  4. Service to members provides value and enhances vibrancy of membership, and
  5. Members value local offerings, services and opportunities

Our mission and vision statements encompass our core tenants which are:

  • Provide service to our members
  • Foster “Education for Innovation”


The following roadmap folds in the elements highlighted in our vision statement, our mission statement and our core values into a single image.

The Vision (big picture) drives the Mission (how to accomplish the big picture), which defines our values that then enable us to define five (5) strategic goals.

Strategic Goals

both_arrowsIncrease Member Engagement

The IEEE New Hampshire section develops activities and opportunities that enhance the member experience, works to attract both student and professional members, fosters professional relationships with diverse organizations, and promotes community involvement.

improveImprove NH Workforce

The IEEE New Hampshire section promotes legislation that encourages innovation growth, advocates for research and development funding, drives the future for New Hampshire industry leading to job creation, assists members with skills development and collaborates with legislature, industry, and education to help grow innovation.

investFinancial Stability

The IEEE New Hampshire section focuses on fiscal responsibility and financial sustainability, not increasing our coffers.

rulerEnhance Professional Skills

The IEEE New Hampshire section provides technical meetings that advance skills in emerging technological areas, provides opportunities for “soft skills” development, and collaborates with other societies to foster inter-disciplinary cross-pollination.

investInvest in STEM Education

The IEEE New Hampshire section champions STEM education, collaborates with New Hampshire colleges and universities in technology-related fields, supports STEM education at all grade levels, encourages more applications for our Pre-University grants, partners with other STEM-related programs for teachers, and initiates pre-University programs for students.

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