May 17, 2022 (Tue) Bos/Prov/NH Reliability Chapter AdCom Mtg


Advisory Committee Meeting This meeting is open to all IEEE Reliability Society members from the Boston, Providence, and New Hampshire Sections as well as non-member guests. You are welcome to join us to learn about what is going on in the chapter and to explore membership and volunteer opportunities. No registration is required, however an email from non-AdCom members to the event contact would be appreciated should you wish to attend. Agenda: 6:00PM Call to Order Opening Remarks Executive Committee Reports Secretary Treasurer Vice Chair Chair Old Business New Business Closing Remarks 7:30PM Adjournment Virtual:

NH ExCom Meeting

Bldg: Airport Dinner, 2280 Brown Ave, Manchester, New Hampshire, United States

Monthly ExCom Dinner meeting -- plan upcoming events, report on recent activities Note new Day/time/location Agenda: 1. Attendance Quorum check -- David Casper 2. approval of agenda including consent agenda Consent to approval of outstanding minutes (in the appropriate month's ExCom directory area) Consent to approval of outstanding treasurer reports (worksheet pages in 2022 Budget Spread sheet) 3. Chairs Comments 4. Action Item Report 5. Chapter/Affiliate Group Activity & coordination (ideally about 60 days in advance) 6. Standing Committee Activities: Education/pre-college; Student/College chapters 6 Old Business Young Inventors Report - Eric (Possible change of awards/names?? IEEE NH Benefiting Humanity award?) 7 New Business 8 Next Meeting 9. For the good of the order -- What key messages for our Members 10 Adjourn to forum 11 Forum topics (upcoming events, etc) Bldg: Airport Dinner, 2280 Brown Ave, Manchester, New Hampshire, United States