Young Inventors: Invention Convention — Call for Volunteers

UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, Durham, New Hampshire, United States, Virtual:

The excitement for the Young Inventors' Program builds as we approach our premiere event, the 2023 Northern New England Invention Convention. On Saturday, March 18, we return to an in-person competition followed by a celebratory Awards Ceremony at the University of New Hampshire. However, we will also offer an option for inventors and judges to participate virtually, too. We need your help! IN-PERSON COMPETITION JUDGES Join us in-person for the NNE-Invention Convention. Judges will be grouped into teams of 2-3 and will be assigned to small sessions with 6-8 inventors. Students will present their inventions and judges will have time to engage in a Q&A. Judges must commit to participate in a virtual Orientation prior to competition day (TBA), participate in the in-person competition, and meet with your judge team to deliberate and make awards decisions. Judges can anticipate dedicating 6-8 hours total for the event. VIRTUAL COMPETITION JUDGES While most students will present projects in-person, we will offer the opportunity to present in a virtual format. This is a live, on-line meeting where judges and inventors can engage and discuss projects. Judges will be grouped into teams of 2-3 and will be assigned to a breakout room of 4-6 inventors. Students will present their inventions and judges will have time to engage in a Q&A. Judges must commit to participate in a virtual Orientation prior to competition day (TBA), participate in the virtual competition, and meet with your judge team deliberate and make awards decisions. Judges can anticipate dedicating 4-6 hours total for the event. ----- To coordinate IEEE awards, we will need to review candidates from both the virtual and in-person events and decide in real time at the in-person event. --- Please list your "Organization" as IEEE so the administrators know who will be providing input for IEEE. Co-sponsored by: UNH Young Inventors Program UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, Durham, New Hampshire, United States, Virtual: