NH ExCom Meeting
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/366388Virtual ExCom for July Agenda: NH Section ExCom Meeting Agenda Wed. July 19 7pm EDT Webex meeting Virtual MEETING! 1. Attendance Quorum check -- David Casper 2. approval of agenda including consent agenda Consent to approval of outstanding 2023 minutes (in the appropriate month's ExCom directory area) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10bSrj8mZMapJLPlc__rIC5zgkpe22-h4?usp=share_link Consent to approval of outstanding 2023 treasurer reports https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10bSrj8mZMapJLPlc__rIC5zgkpe22-h4?usp=share_link 3. Chairs Comments Laura stepping down as EMBS chair Senior Member Advancement Team Forming an SSIT chapter, and possible AI panel Parking lot: Review of how we handle budget, and possible guidelines on spending (target March meeting) 4. Action Item Report - Jim/et al -- elevation committee -- actively soliciting participation - SWAG coordination (collaboration with other sections) - pending feedback from other sections 5. Chapter/Affiliate Group Activity & coordination Key action: identify one or two topics in your chapter/affiliate group area of interest and plan on which month you will try to organize an activity based on that. 6. Standing Committee Activities: Fall PACE/WIE/YP elevation interview event... 7 Old Business Section & Chapter Election Cycle for 2024/5 --Status: Raj. 8 New Business Taking advantage of Mentors 9 Next Meeting -- Wed. August 16 (Virtual) 10. For the good of the order -- 11 Adjourn to forum 12 Forum topics (upcoming events, etc) Discussion of budget/reimbursement processes ========================== Our Leadership Team: Communications and Signal Processing Chair: Open Computer Society Chair: Wei Lu Vice Chair: Sridhar Raghavan Treasurer: Baris Kazar Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society Chair: Open Secretary: J Michael O'Connor Microwave T&T/Antennas and Propagation Chair: Elizabeth H. Schenk Vice Chair: Ian Armstrong Power and Energy Society Chair: Tom Mongeon Reliability Society Chair: Michael W. Bannan Robotics and Automation Society Chair: Sridhar Raghavan Affiliate Groups Consultants Network Chair: Raj Vayyavur Life Members Chair: Alan Schecter Secretary: J Michael O'Connor Women In Engineering/Young Professionals Chair: Barbara Bancroft Education Chair/Community Qiayon Yu Student Activities May Wan History Committee Jason Hui PACE Henry Axtmayer Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/366388