Tuesday September 3rd 2024 – IEEE Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Reliability Chapter Adcom Meeting

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/430147

IEEE Reliability Society- Joint Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Chapter Adcom meeting. Speaker(s): , , , Agenda: - Call to Order - Opening Remarks - Officer Reports - Secretary - AdCom Meeting Minutes - Treasurer - Awards - Financials - Vice Chair - Technical Meeting Schedule - Potential Technical Meeting Presentations - Newsletter - Chair Report - Recent Technical Meeting Attendance - Upcoming Technical Meeting Registration - - - 10-SEP-2024 Joint Meeting with SMTA & iMAPS at Nano Dimension in Waltham - 09-OCT-2024 Joint Meeting with ESDA: Tom Meuse— ESD Device Level Testing Die to Die in Direct Pin Injection Testing at the MIT LL Main Cafeteria - 13-NOV-2024 ESD Costly Controversial Myths by Ted Dangelmayer (to be confirmed) - 11-DEC-2024 Ethan Cascio (rescheduled from 26-JUN-2024) - Old Business - MIT Lincoln Laboratory Appreciation / Thank You Plaque and Presentation - Proposed creation of IEEE Boston Reliability Chapter brochure Targeting the Younger Demographic - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter - Website Status - Webmaster moving to Colorado - New Business - Updated information on MGA new voting requirements - June 30th membership is flexible this year because of the new process. - Chapters and Affinity groups can use (must use) the VTools elections platform, but none of the rest of the MGA elections platform (nominations, &c., work for groups below sections until 2025. - Proposed slate of officers - For August September (Annually) - Past Chairs Meeting invitations / RSVPs Officer Election – Open October 30 / Close December 4 - Schedule Next AdCom Meeting - TBD. - Closing Remarks - Adjournment Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/430147