On Friday Nov 15 the School of Engineering, Technology and Aeronautics at SNHU was pleased to welcome back some of their alumni and IEEE Young Professionals. Recent graduates came back to talk to our current students and share their experience as students and as they transitioned to full time jobs in their chosen profession. There were several themes in the alumni journey. They all talked about project-based classes and internships and how that made them stand out from the crowd. They described how being involved in activities outside classes was beneficial to their careers. This involvement made school fun.
Chair of the Young Professionals presented a slide show featuring steps to remain involved. He told students how IEEE-YP can help them with the transition to full time jobs.
We had great attendance from all students including freshman and seniors. Seniors who are working on their final job applications appreciated concrete advice. Freshman are still figuring out how to position themselves at the school. They liked the advice about what classes to take and what clubs to join and how to navigate their classes. They are just discovering multitude of activities and opportunities that SNHU offers such as ability to add a minor or expand their horizons by joining IEEE.
Event concluded with a raffle. There were many IEEE branded items. High Sierra backpacks and large coffee travel mugs were most popular.
We are very proud of our alumni and thankful that they are willing to give back and guide our current students. Thank you to Region 1 PACE leadership for financial support for the event.

Students with young professionals

Getting the swag ready

YP presentation and alumni panel

Pizza and food always puts students in a good mood.