November Edition: Why did you become an engineer/scientist/technologist?

Room: Classroom, The Baldwin, 50 Woodmont Avenue, Londonderry, New Hampshire, United States, 03053, Virtual:

Our speaker for this month is Mr. Jeffrey Mayer, whose initial degree was in Zoology followed by a 10-year career in the Navy, separating as a Lieutenant Commander. He returned to college earning a BS EE and later a Master's in Technical Management. After a brief stint in private industry, Mr. Mayer returned to the federal government to serve as the lead systems engineer and program manager for several small but challenging training and weapon system programs. He will discuss what it takes to be successful when dealing with others (management and engineers) and how to groom yourself for advancement…the plusses and minuses. One area, as an engineering manager, he found that young people entering the workforce have certain expectations and shortcomings. He always felt (since he was 22) that it was his job to make them successful. Agenda: 4:15 PM registration and refreshments 4:30 PM Presentation by Jeffrey Mayer followed by questions and answers. The presentation will be livestreamed. Room: Classroom, The Baldwin, 50 Woodmont Avenue, Londonderry, New Hampshire, United States, 03053, Virtual:

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