How to get an Internship? JAN 22, 2025
SNHU IEEE Student Branch, IEEE NH Young Professionals, SNHU Career Center and BAE Systems organized an event aimed at recruiting SNHU students and teaching them how to get an internship at BAE Systems.
Dr. Barbara Bancroft, SNHU faculty, SNHU SB Councilor and officer for the IEEE NH Young Professionals and Women in Engineering opened the meeting by describing how IEEE YP facilitated the event and how YP helps with transition from student to professional.
BAE Systems has a great internship program aimed at recruiting and selecting future employees. Laura from BAE HR along with one of the SNHU alumni came to present details of the program to the SNHU’s SETA (School of Engineering, Technology and Aeronautics) students. Nearly 50 students gathered to listen to the presentation. Faculty and students were particularly glad to learn that you can start applying for internships as soon as your freshman year. BAE’s internships are designated for every level of students.
Paul Wood, a recent SNHU graduate and an engineer at BAE systems came to tell us about BAE Systems from a perspective of SNHU student. He talked about attending a similar event where he learned about BAE and decided that BAE would be a great place to work at. He told us details of his journey. SNHU students could relate to his story as they are just starting where Paul was a few short years ago. SNHU faculty and staff are so proud of our successful graduates.
After presentations students lined up to talk to Laura and Paul to introduce themselves and to find more details about the application process.
The event ended with a quiz and a raffle of many BAE Systems and IEEE branded items. Everybody had fun and learned a lot..